I don’t have any photos, what’s next?

Modified on Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 05:02 AM

The uploading process starts on race day, and it can take a few days to complete, especially for very large events. If 72 hours after the event you still don’t have any photos assigned to you, it is possible that your bib number was not clearly visible to us (covered by the belt/clothing, pinned on the leg or the back…). To help us find your photos, please contact our customer support including the following information:  

  • Did you run next to some friends? Knowing their bib number would really help us. 
  • What did you wear that day?  
  • It would be very helpful to have a photo of you, that way we know who we are looking for. You can attach one when you open the ticket. Please contact our support team by opening a ticket here

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